Authorize Endpoint

Authorize Endpoint URL:

http method: GET

Sample URL


URI Parameter Description
*AppID It is a mandatory parameter, the page will not work unless it is sent. For IOS, ANDROID and WEB applications each client is given a different id.
Type: Number
*Language It is a mandatory parameter. The page will not work unless it is sent. In which language the pages are to be displayed, they should be sent as parameters
Type: String
*serviceRedirectUrl When the login process is completed, it is the information which page of the service will be redirected to.
Type: URI
disableCellLogin It is not a mandatory parameter and default is false. If the user calls the authorize url from the mobile web site and he/she is in Turkcell network automatically logs in.
This parameter should be set to true if automatic login of user is not wanted
Type: Boolean
autoLoginOnly It is not a mandatory parameter and default is false. If the user calls the authorize url from the mobile web site and he/she is in Turkcell network automatically logs in.
If autoLoginOnly = true, the user can only login with automatic login. If he/she cannot login automatically, the login page will not open and will be redirected directly to serviceRedirectUrl.
Type: Boolean
disableAutoLogin It is not a mandatory parameter and default is false. For Web sites, disableCellLogin and disableAutoLogin perform the same task.
Type: Boolean
state It is not a mandatory parameter. It is used to prevent CSRF attacks. A unique id is created and sent for each request and retrieved when the process is finished.
Type: String