1. Overview

FastLogin provides integration to Turkcell login systems. We have developed an SDK that is highly robust, secure, lightweight, configurable and very simple to embed.

You can initialize login , register, switch account flows.

The FastLogin Android SDK is compatible with Android 4.3 (API 18), Support Library 26 and above.

2. Quick Start

2.1 Adding SDK to your Project

The simplest way to integrate the SDK into your project is to use Gradle’s Dependency Management.

Adding FastLogin’s Android SDK Dependency:

  1. Open your project and then open your_app | build.gradle
  2. Add this to Module-level /app/build.gradle before dependencies:

repositories { 
     maven {
         url ''
         name 'FastLogin Repo'

Add the compile dependency with the latest version of the FastLogin SDK in the build.gradle file:

implementation ('com.turkcell.dssgate:dssgate-aar-beta:2.0.13')

2.2 Setting the Required Permissions

The AndroidManifest.xml should include the following permissions:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />

3. SDK Initialization

Initialization of the SDK is completed in two stages.
- In the first stage, the DGLoginCoordinator is created by using Builder Pattern. While building DGLoginCoordinator, appId is required, theme and language parameters are optional.
- In the second stage, the call to one of the main flow is needed (e.g. call startForLogin, startForSwitchAccount, startForRegister).

Optional Parameters;

  1. theme: default theme of the application exists. See Section 10.
  2. language: default language is TR
  3. environment: default environment is PROD

To initialize the SDK, add the following code in your Application activity or fragment:

DGLoginCoordinator dg = new DGLoginCoordinator.Builder().appId(your_app_id).build();


Having initialized the SDK, start login is one of the main flows to call. It takes three boolean parameters;

  1. disableCellLogin: if true, cellular login functionality won’t work.
  2. autoLoginOnly: if true, only cellular login and remember me will work
  3. disableAutoLogin: if true, login process is forced to user.
  4. dismissCloseButton: if true, close button will be disabled for all screens.

try { 
     dg.startForLogin(this, disableCellLogin, autoLoginOnly, disableAutoLogin, dismissCloseButton);
}catch (DGException e) { 
     //application error handling, e.g. required appId

For getting result, see Section 10.

5. SDK Start Register

Having initialized the SDK, start register is one of the main flows to call. It runs without parameters;

try { 
}catch (DGException e) { 
     //application error handling, e.g. required appId

For getting result, see Section 10.

6. SDK Switch Account

Having initialized the SDK, switch account is one of the main flows to call. It runs without parameters;

try { 
}catch (DGException e) { 
     //application error handling, e.g. required appId

For getting result, see Section 10.


Having initialized the SDK, start login with transfer token is one of the main flows to call. It takes three boolean parameters and one string parameter;

  1. disableCellLogin: if true, cellular login functionality won’t work.
  2. autoLoginOnly: if true, only cellular login and remember me will work
  3. disableAutoLogin: if true, login process is forced to user.
  4. dismissCloseButton: if true, close button will be disabled for all screens.
  5. transferToken: transfer token that taken from the backend must be passed.

try { 
     dg.startForLoginWithTransferToken(this, disableCellLogin, autoLoginOnly, disableAutoLogin, dismissCloseButton, transferToken);
}catch (DGException e) { 
     //application error handling, e.g. required appId

For getting result, see Section 10.


Having initialized the SDK, widget login is one of the main flows to call. It doesn’t take any parameters. However, it only works if there is an active rememberme login or cellular login is enabled in the relative application.

try { 
}catch (DGException e) { 
     //application error handling, e.g. required appId

For getting result, see Section 9.


To get the result from SDK, a class which is extended from BroadcastReceiver is needed and relative action must be registered. See below example code:

IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
WidgetReceiver myReceiver = new WidgetReceiver(this);
registerReceiver(myReceiver, filter);

After registration, DGResult can be taken like below example code;

if (DGLoginCoordinator.DG_WIDGET_BROADCAST_RESULT.equals(intent.getAction())) { 
     DGResult dgResult = DGLoginCoordinator.getDGResult(intent);
     //dgResult has the result, take action according to result

Result Type



DGResultType.SUCCESS_LOGIN Successful Login You can take loginToken and continue
DGResultType.SUCCESS_NO_LOGIN (ONLY FOR WIDGET) Login needed in the application For successful login to widget, there must be a logged in user. You can force user for application login
DGResultType.ERROR_APPLICATON There is a system error in fastlogin You can continue Non-Login or force user to login again
DGResultType.ERROR_SESSION_LOST Session lost during fastlogin processes. You can continue Non-Login or force user to login by starting fastlogin again

10. SDK Result

To get the result from SDK, onActivityResult method must be overridden in the application’s Activity or Fragment.

Add the following code in your Application’s fragment or activity:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { 
     super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
     if (requestCode == DGLoginCoordinator.DG_REQUEST_CODE) {
         if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) {
             //Unexpected Error Case
         if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
             DGResult dgResult = DGLoginCoordinator.getDGResult(data);
             //dgResult has the result, take action according to result

These are fastlogin result types;

Result Type



DGResultType.SUCCESS_LOGIN Successful Login You can take loginToken and continue
DGResultType.ERROR_USER_QUIT User intentionaly quits from fastlogin You can continue Non-Login or force user to login again by starting fastlogin again
DGResultType.ERROR_APPLICATON There is a system error in fastlogin You can continue Non-Login or force user to login again
DGResultType.ERROR_SESSION_LOST Session lost during fastlogin processes. You can continue Non-Login or force user to login by starting fastlogin again

11. SDK Logout

To logout from the system, there is a static method to call. Re-initialization of DGLoginCoordinator is not needed. Add the following code in your Application:

DGLoginCoordinator.logout(this, your_app_id);

For logout, there is no result. Having called the logout method is enough.

12. SDK Style Configuration

The configuration of the sdk can be achieved by creating DGTheme and passing DGTheme to DGLoginCoordinator. Builder pattern is used for creating the DGTheme. You can only change your background color in order to catch the same base color with your application. Furthermore changes like button color, text color etc are not allowed due to the fact that it harms the user interaction of Fastlogin

Sample code for configuring the style:

DGTheme dgTheme = new DGTheme.Builder() 
DGLoginCoordinator dg = new DGLoginCoordinator.Builder().theme(dgTheme).appId(your_app_id).build(); 


If you are using ProGuard in your project add the following lines to your configuration:

-keep class com.turkcell.dssgate.client.** { *; }

14. FAQ

Q: Do we need to set theme in the DGLoginCoordinator?

A: No you don’t. There is a default theme in Fastlogin, if you don’t need a special theme then you can continue with the default one by not setting or just setting null for theme method in DGLoginCoordinator.

Q: Is there a test Environment for Fastlogin?

A: Yes there are 2 environments for Fastlogin which you can use. One for PROD and one for PRP . Default environment is PROD and via developer portal only PROD registration is done. If you want to work at PRP environment for special reasons please communicate with us to register your application for PRP environment. For setting the PRP environment, use the following code during initialization:

DGLoginCoordinator dg = new DGLoginCoordinator.Builder().appId(app_id).environment(DGEnv.PRP).build();

Q: Repo url starts with “http://mymavenrepo…”, is this real repo?

A: Yes it is a real repository. Our need was a free public repo. This is the reason we are using it.

The principles regarding the use of open source codes used in the application can be accessed from the link below: