Validation Endpoint

Authentication Endpoint URL:

http method: POST


JSON Parameter Description
*ServiceId It is a mandatory parameter. After your service registration form is completed you can get that parameter from the service registration result form page.
Type: Number
*secretKey It is a mandatory parameter. After your service registration form is completed you can get that parameter from the service registration result form page.
Type: String
*loginToken It is a mandatory parameter.It is returned to you as a result of the authorize client service.
Type: String

Sample Request:

    "serviceId" : 123456,  
    "loginToken": "4ec225b9-0f23-4e07-92e1-3238d3dc776b"  

Sample Response(Fail):

        "resultCode": 4,
        "resultName": "AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRED",
        "resultMessage": "Authentication token expired",
        "flowType": "NONE",
        "detailResult": ""
    "msisdn": null,
    "email": null,  
    "accountId": null,  
    "loginType": null,  
    "contryIsoCode": null,  
    "regionCode": null,  
    "mobileConnectUserInfo": null  

Sample Response(Success):

        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultName": "SUCCESS",
        "resultMessage": "İşlem başarılıdır.",
        "flowType": "NONE",
        "detailResult": ""
    "msisdn": "5322000000",
    "email": "",  
    "loginType": "UPDATE_MYINFO",  
    "contryIsoCode": "TR",  
    "regionCode": "+90",  
        "updated_at": "1568958185275",
        "phone_number": 5322000000,
        "phone_number_verified": true,